Capheart 急救心 app for iPhone and iPad

4.4 ( 5984 ratings )
Developer: Capheart Limited
Current version: 1.02, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 04 Jul 2016
App size: 13.22 Mb

Capheart 是全港第一個手機應用程式,在患者心臟震氈時,幫助其親友或其他目擊者,盡快搜尋救心機,趕及在救護車到達事發地點前馬上進行搶救。

當患者心臟震氈時,如未能即時急救,每延遲1分鐘,患者生存的機會便減少 10%。然而,本港救護車只能承諾12分鐘到達現場。


- 社聯 – 匯豐社會企業商務中心《社企指南》名冊下社企
- 香港科技園創業培育計劃公司
- So In So Good 創業培育計劃公司
- 香港大學 HKU DreamCatchers 創業種子基金決賽優勝者
- 香港科技園「智慧香港 – 全城橋王挑戰賽」公開組冠軍

Capheart is the first mobile app developed in Hong Kong to rescue sudden cardiac arrested (SCA) patients through automatic external defibrillators (AED) location services, before the arrivals of ambulances.

When patients are suffered from SCA, their survival rate will drop by 10% per min. However, the 12-min. standard service pledge of ambulances arrivals is too long for them to wait.

Using Capheart, the SCA patients family, friends or even bystanders, can locate and pick up the nearest AED immediately for rescue.

We are now developing the 2nd phase of the app to connect all qualified first-aiders, paramedics, doctors and nurses with SOS requestors, and implement an out-of-hospitals emergency medical services network in Hong Kong and other cities.

Our Recognitions and Awards:
- Registered Social Enterprise, “Social Enterprise Directory” (SE Directory) by Social Enterprise Business Centre (SEBC)
- Incubatee, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)
- Incubatee, So In So Good
- HKU DreamCatchers Entrepreneurship Seed Fund Winner, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- City Challenge Open Group Champion, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)